Social media has changed the way we do pretty much everything. I bet some of you can’t even remember a time before social media!

Social media facts

Check out these 47 amazing social media facts – you could even share them with your own networks to demonstrate how knowledgeable you are.

Facebook Facts

47. Facebook accounts for approximately 21% of ALL social media referral traffic in the world. (source)

46. If that weren’t enough, Facebook drives 23% of all traffic ACROSS THE ENTIRE INTERNET. <<CLICK TO TWEET THIS FACT!>> (source)

45. In any given month, approximately 1.28 BILLION people are active on Facebook – roughly equivalent to the entire population of India, the world’s second most-populous country. (source)

44. 30% of Americans get all of their news exclusively from Facebook – sorry, the “paper of record.” (source)

43. Almost one-quarter – 23% – of Facebook users check the site FIVE TIMES or more per day. (source)

42. Only 25% of Facebook users bother to check or adjust their privacy settings. (source)

41. The median number of friends the average Millennial Facebook user has in their network is 250. (source)

40. 77% of B2C companies have acquired new customers through their Facebook presence. (source)

39. While approximately 55% of SMBs have a Facebook page, only one-fifth have invested any money in Facebook advertising or promoted posts. (source)

38. The average CTR of Facebook ads in the United States is .14%. However, in the United Kingdom, the average CTR of a Facebook ad is .27%. (source)

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Twitter Facts

37. The bird featured in Twitter’s iconic logo and branding is called Larry. Sadly, Larry wasn’t named after WordStream’s own Larry Kim, but rather legendary Boston Celtics forward Larry Bird. (source)

36. Twitter has approximately 320 million monthly active users, or MAUs. (source)

35. Of those 320 million MAUs, around 100 million are active daily users. (source)

34. Almost half of all Twitter accounts – 44 % – have never sent a tweet. <<CLICK TO TWEET THIS FACT!>> (source)

33. Approximately 80% of world leaders have Twitter accounts, though frequency of tweets varies widely from one leader to another. (source)

32. As of 2013, Twitter had the operational capacity to handle 18 QUINTILLION user accounts. (source)

31. Almost 10% of Americans use Twitter during work hours. (source)

30. More than 15% of Americans cannot access Twitter from their workplace. (source)

32. Tweets featuring images receive 18% more clicks than those without. (source)

31. The average CTR of Twitter ads is between 1-3%. (source)

LinkedIn Facts

30. LinkedIn now has 400 million MAUs. (source)

29. Two new users join LinkedIn every second. (source)

28. In 2013, LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner said his company’s goal was to acquire 3 billion users, slightly less than half the world’s population. (source)

27. More than 1 billion endorsements have been made on LinkedIn since its launch in 2003. How many of these are genuine is anyone’s guess. (source)

26. Last year, the most overused word in LinkedIn profiles was “motivated.” <<CLICK TO TWEET THIS FACT!>> (source)

25. There are more than 39 million students or recent graduates on LinkedIn. (source)

24. There are more than 1 million “professional post publishers” on LinkedIn. (source)

23. To date, more than 3 million long-form posts have been published on LinkedIn. (source)

22. Almost 20 million SlideShare presentations have been uploaded to LinkedIn. (source)

21. LinkedIn is available in 20 different languages. (source)

20. Approximately 41% of millionaires use LinkedIn. (source)

Instagram Facts

19. Instagram has 200 million MAUs. (source)

18. Instagram launched on October 6, 2010. By December 21, 2010, the service had more than 1 million users. It took Twitter more than two years to accomplish this level of growth. (ibid.)

17. Selfie-related hashtags have been added to more than 41 million Instagram photos. This is either tremendously exciting or horribly depressing. <<CLICK TO TWEET THIS FACT!>> (source)

16. New York City is the most frequently geotagged city on Instagram (source), and Times Square is the second-most geotagged place. (ibid.)

15. More than 16 billion photos have been uploaded to Instagram since launch. (source)

14. Approximately 32% of American teens consider Instagram to be the most important social network. (source)

13. Instagram predicts mobile advertising earnings of $595 million this year (source), and forecasts estimate mobile ad revenues of $2.81 billion by 2017 (ibid.)

12. Instagram adoption among top brands stands at 85%. (source)

11. Instagram’s per-follower engagement rate is 58 times higher than Facebook’s and 120 times higher than Twitter’s. (source)

10. Engagement rates of Instagram uploads tagged with a location are 79% higher than those without. (source)

Pinterest Facts

9. Pinterest has approximately 100 million MAUs. (source)

8. More than 70% of Pinterest’s user base is female. (source)

7. Approximately 81% of American women trust Pinterest as an authoritative source of news and information. (source)

6. Roughly 75% of Pinterest’s daily traffic comes exclusively from mobile. (source)

5. Consumers referred to ecommerce sites from Pinterest are 10 times more likely to complete a purchase than referrals from other sources, including Facebook. (source)

4. Visitors referred to ecommerce sites from Facebook that complete purchases spend an average of between $60 and $80. Visitors referred to ecommerce sites from Pinterest that complete purchases spend an average of $140 to $180. Not that it’s a competition or anything. (source)

3. Food and drink is the most popular category on Pinterest, with approximately 57% of users reporting interaction with food and drink-related pins. (source)

2. Pinterest generates more than 400% more revenue per click than Twitter, and 27% more per click than Facebook. <<CLICK TO TWEET THIS FACT!>> (source)

1. Pinterest achieved the 10 million unique monthly visitor milestone faster than any other website in history, accomplishing this impressive feat in around one year. (source)

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Meet The Author

Dan Shewan

Originally from the U.K., Dan Shewan is a journalist and web content specialist who now lives and writes in New England. Dan’s work has appeared in a wide range of publications in print and online, including The Guardian, The Daily Beast, Pacific Standard magazine, The Independent, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, and many other outlets.

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