Keyword Quality Score has a major impact on both the success and the costs of your pay-per-click (PPC) marketing campaigns. High keyword Quality Scores mean you end up paying less for more ad exposure and higher conversion rates.
The following two best practices will raise your Quality Score at every level, from your entire AdWords campaign down to a single keyword:
Let’s take a closer look at how you can use WordStream’s PPC management tools to start improving your Quality Scores today.
WordStream’s fast, free, secure Google Ads Performance Grader is the easiest way to find out how your Quality Scores are doing, plus get tips on how you can raise your scores. You’ll get an instant report including an overall grade for your AdWords account, plus insight into your performance along key metrics including Quality Score, keyword optimization, and click-through rate.
Keyword Quality Score is a dynamic figure, meaning Google Ads calculates a Quality Score on the fly for each of your keywords whenever they match a user’s search query. Your keyword’s Quality Score may vary based on location, search query and search network. In other words, if your keyword performs better on certain searches than others, in certain areas than others, or on certain search network sites than others, its Quality Score will be higher under those circumstances. That’s a lot to keep track of! But one thing is always the same: The higher your keyword Quality Score, the better your ad positioning, and the lower your costs.
Basically, Google uses Quality Score to ensure that users only see the sponsored links that are most relevant to their queries. This system is good for you too, because more relevant ads get more clicks and bring you more business.
Aside from variable factors like location, your keyword’s Quality Score is determined by:
These factors are closely related and reinforce each other. For example:
Creating small, focused keyword groups at the outset and then building self-reinforcing campaigns gives you strong historical account performance and compounding pricing and positioning benefits. But how exactly are you supposed to organize the thousands of keywords (or more) that you need to manage for successful search engine marketing? You can’t possibly look at every single keyword individually, hand-sort it into an appropriate group and then write the perfect ad for it. There’s not enough time in the day.
So how do you raise your keyword Quality Score so you can start increasing your visibility at lower costs?
Don’t waste another day paying more than you have to for less than desirable ad positioning. Increase the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns, and save time and money while raising your keyword Quality Score.