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Paid Search Marketing

Paid search marketing is a critical tool for any marketer or small business owner. But it’s not easy. From navigating the world of bidding, to writing ad copy that resonates, to setting up Google Ads conversion tracking and more: there are a lot of skills that fall under the paid search marketing umbrella. At WordStream, we’re here to help you refine those skills. Check out our paid search marketing blogs and get the knowledge you need to succeed.

YouTube TrueView Ads Can Now Include Interactive ‘Cards’

YouTube’s TrueView ads will now allow advertisers to display cards showing additional images, videos, CTA’s and even the ability to direct leads to their website.

Who’s Afraid of Big Bad Broad Match? The Anti-Hero of Keyword Match Types

The broad match type often gets written off as the villain in PPC. Here's why it can pay to take a chance on the antihero of keyword match types.

3 Game-Changing PPC Tips for Un-Glamorous SaaS Offerings

Bringing in qualified leads through PPC is especially challenging for SaaS marketers. Follow these 3 tips to attract and convert new business!

Ask the Experts: Intro to Negative Keyword Match Types

Negative keyword match types can be confusing to newcomers to paid search. In our second Ask the Experts video, Erin Sagin explains how to use each of the three major negative match types.

Where AdWords Website Call Conversions Can Go Wrong

If you use a single Google AdWords account to manage multiple websites, your website call conversions set up is probably broken. Learn the workaround to fix it.

Is Quality Score REALLY Just Click-Through Rate?

I have heard speculations as high as 60%. However, if that were true, it would not explain why you see keywords with a great CTR and only a mediocre Quality Score. Of course, the real answer is much more complicated.

Google AdWords Hotel Ads Improve How You Reach Guests

Google is a prime hot-spot to search for hotels, and now they're making it easier for consumers and hotel marketers to book online with hotel ads, virtual tours, and new photo features.

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA): What You Need to Know

Remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA) is a Google AdWords feature that allows advertisers to tailor their search campaigns based on whether a user has previously visited their website (or app), and the pages that user viewed. Not sure how to implement them? We have all the info in this post.

6 Paid Search Tips for Healthcare Marketers

Are you a healthcare marketer struggling to gain ROI through paid search? Follow these 6 healthcare specific PPC tactics that could save lives.

The WordStream Field Guide to the Google Search Page

The Google search page is arguably the most ubiquitous page on the World Wide Web. Learn more about Google search pages in WordStream's handy field guide.

6 Steps to Building a Brilliant Paid Search Account Structure

Building out a Google Ads account from scratch can be daunting. Worry no more! This guide will walk you through everything you need to do to create a well-structured account.

Why Was February Such a Hard Month for B2B Businesses?

Many B2B companies noticed a big performance dip in their AdWords accounts this February. Here's why you saw fewer leads from PPC last month.

7 Ways Bing Ads Beat Google AdWords

Bing vs. AdWords: What’s the difference? More people use Google AdWords for search advertising, but you might be surprised to learn there are lots of ways that Bing actually beats the popular AdWords platform – including lower costs! Learn why you should give Bing Ads a try.

Google Introduces Call-Only Campaigns – Here’s Why You Need Them

Google just made it even easier for prospects to call advertisers with the launch of its Call-Only Campaigns feature in AdWords.

7 Tips to Get Vacation-Worthy Return from PPC in the Travel Industry

Are you a travel marketer struggling to book flights, hotel or getaways? These 7 paid-search travel marketing tactics are guaranteed to provide a vacation-worthy return.

Goodbye, Google Ads Destination URLs: Everything You Need To Know About Upgraded URLs in Google Ads

Big news: Google has announced a new AdWords Upgraded URL format to give advertisers more options and save them time. Learn more about the new AdWords URL format, including when these changes go into effect and what you need to change in your campaigns.

21 Tips for Writing Great Ad Headlines

Great ad copy starts with a great headline. The best PPC ad headlines are specific, address problems, and speak to emotion. Learn 21 fast, actionable tips for writing super-effective, super-clickable ad headlines for your PPC campaigns.

Dan Shewan
February 2, 2015

The Complete Guide to PPC for Startup Marketing

Startup businesses and entrepreneurs set growth as a number one priority. Learn how you can use PPC, or pay-per-click marketing, to grow your startup.

Google Wants Into the Auto Insurance Biz: Would You Buy Your Car Insurance from a Search Engine?

Google wants to take its auto insurance comparison shopping further and plans to offer policies for sale through the new Google Compare Auto Insurance Services in the US.

9 Reasons Your AdWords Ad Was Disapproved – And How to Fix It

Was your AdWords ad disapproved? Learn why should care about ad disapprovals and how to fix them - BEFORE Google suspends your account!

5 Reasons To NEVER Use Google Ads Automatic Bidding

Automatic bidding is a great way to make your life easier, right? WRONG! Using automatic bidding could have serious negative consequences on your PPC results. Here are five reasons why you should (almost) never use automatic bidding in your AdWords account.

How to Switch from Automatic Bidding to Manual Bidding in Google Ads

Want more control over your AdWords bids? Follow these best practices when switching from automatic bidding to manual bidding in Google AdWords.

Mobile PPC Strategy: Are You Missing Out On Conversions?

Before ruling out mobile PPC ads, it is crucial to first dig a bit deeper into what the stats say because, believe it or not, there are some businesses that do surprisingly well via mobile.

AdWords Quietly Launches New Demographics Targeting Tab

Google has quietly launched a new demographics tab in AdWords that allows businesses to more finely target their best demographic audience in their Google Display Network campaigns.

The Top 10 Best PPC Hacks … Ever!

Here are the top PPC marketing hacks you need to optimize your AdWords strategy today. These 10 tactics will have the most impact on your pay-per-click results.

Larry Kim
September 30, 2014
Paid Search Marketing

Do I Have Too Many Keywords in My PPC Account? (Hint: Probably)

It doesn’t serve you to bloat your PPC account with too many keywords. Here are three reasons to avoid having too many AdWords keywords.

3 Lessons Learned from PPC Advertisers in the B2B Software Industry

With a long sales cycle, high competition, and niche audience, getting leads from AdWords is even harder for B2B software companies. Learn how to make the most of PPC in this guide.