Larry Kim

Larry Kim

Larry Kim is the founder of WordStream and CEO of MobileMonkey, a chatbot building platform.

HomeBlogLarry Kim

5 Smart Reasons to Create Content Outside Your Niche

Worried about moving beyond your comfort zone with your content? Larry Kim explains why creating content outside your niche is a great idea for expanding your audience.

Hotel Advertising & Marketing Best Practices [Infographic]

If you're in the hotel industry, you need to see the latest data and trends on hotel marketing and advertising, including top hotel-related search terms and more....

How to Use Facebook Ads to Recruit Top Talent

Is your company currently hiring? Do you struggle to attract great candidates for key open job roles? Well, did you know you can use Facebook for job recruiting? Facebook Ads and smart targeting make it easy and cheap to find top talent fast!

How to Apply Game Theory in PPC Marketing

Ever seen A Beautiful Mind? In this post, Larry Kim explores two ways that game theory can be applied to PPC marketing in AdWords.

Healthcare Marketing Insights for PPC Advertisers [Infographic]

To succeed in the highly competitive field of healthcare marketing, you need the right tools and data. Check out healthcare marketing and advertising trends for 2016.

Automotive Advertising Benchmarks & Data for 2016 [Infographic]

If you're doing advertising and marketing for the car or automotive services industry, check out this new data on trends in the car and auto marketing industry from WordStream and Google.

Hacking the Facebook Newsfeed Algorithm: 5 Ways to Recover Organic Reach

Yes, organic reach on Facebook is abysmal -- but you can fight back! Looking for a way to get exposure without having to spend a ton on Facebook ads? These five tactics will greatly increase your engagement and reach in Facebook's newsfeed algorithm.

7 Medium Optimization Tips To Get Your Articles To Go Hot

Blogging platform Medium has revolutionized web-based publishing, but how can you help your posts go viral? Check out Larry's top Medium optimization tips!

One Weird Trick to Get More Facebook Likes for Free

If you manage a Facebook business page, check it out: I've stumbled across a weird hack that allows you to invite real people who have engaged with your content to Like your page – and it's free!