Guest Author

Guest Author

WordStream’s guest authors are experts, entrepreneurs, and passionate writers in the online marketing community who bring diverse perspectives to our blog on a wide range of topics.

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A 5-Step Plan to Use Influencer Marketing for Content Promotion

Using influencer marketing for content promotion can be amazingly powerful, and in this guest post, Nick Eubanks shows you exactly how to do it in five steps.

EMDs vs. Branded Domains: What’s the Best Solution?

Not sure if an exact match domain (EMD) or a branded domain is right for your site? Check out this guide to the pros and cons of EMDs versus branded domains.

Account-Wide Ad Countdown Customizers in 15 Min: A Step-By-Step Guide

Ad customizers in Google AdWords are a super powerful way to increase click-through rates on sales and specials, and not enough people are using them! We found a way to bulk-create and manage Countdown Customizers that will make your life much easier.

3 Ways to Get Inside Your Prospects’ Inboxes with PPC

Most businesses find email to be one of their most effective marketing channels. Here are three clever ways to use PPC to get access to your prospects' email inboxes.

How SaaS Startups Should Be Using Google Ads

If you run a SaaS startup, Google Ads could be the greatest customer acquisition platform you’ve never tried. Here are 8 ways to make it work for you.

How to Create Universal App Campaigns In 60 Seconds (or Less!)

Universal App Campaigns are quick to implement, cheap and easy to maintain. Here's how you can get started with your own Universal App Campaigns in no time!

White Space Design: Your Secret Weapon for Great Landing Pages

White space is the secret weapon to help you make more upscale, persuasive landing pages! Use these tips on white space design for a landing page upgrade.

These Coding Skills Will Make Every PPC Specialist More Valuable

You don’t need to be a full-fledged programmer to do PPC, but these basic coding skills will make you a better, more efficient PPC specialist!

16 Ways to Optimize Your Product Landing Pages

If you’re in the e-commerce business and looking to increase your conversion rates, you’re in the right place. In this article you’ll learn 16 tips for optimizing your e-commerce product pages and the mindset you need to achieve explosive business growth.