Allen Finn

Allen Finn

Allen Finn is the co-founder of Toasted Collective, a cannabis-focused digital agency. Many moons ago, he worked at WordStream, where he reigned as fantasy football champion for some time.

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Major Changes to Google Ad Grants: What Your Nonprofit Needs to Know

Last week, Google made some major changes to how their ad grant program works. These alterations will 'add clarity and raise standards of quality for [Google’s] free advertising grants.' Here’s everything you need to know to ensure that your nonprofit can maintain its Google Ad Grant.

The Year in Google Ads: The 27 Biggest Stories of 2017

AdWords had tons of major changes in 2017! From platform redesign to new features to fundamental strategic adjustments, the world's most popular search marketing platform experienced MAJOR upheaval. Learn more about the 27 most profound changed AdWords experienced this year!

How to Make (Real, Mobile) Call-Only Ads on Bing

Bing Ads has call extensions, but the platform doesn't offer a call-only ad type. Learn how to hack together some Bing call-only ads using a combination of call extensions, bid adjustments, and a bit of cleverness.

4 Super-Useful New Google Ads Features You Need to Try

Google just unleashed 4 super-useful new AdWords features to help you improve performance in every cranny of your paid search account. Here's everything you need to know about them.

3 Creative Ways to Use Ad Extensions (that Google Won’t Tell You About!)

What kind of online advertiser doesn’t want a competitive advantage? Use these three creative, alternative applications for ad extensions to dominate your competition in AdWords.

How to Create Amazing Facebook Audiences You Can Actually Sell To

Who should you target on Facebook, and how? In this guide you'll learn how targeting on Facebook works, how to create Facebook audiences that will actually want to buy your stuff.

What’s the Deal with Quora Ads? How-To + Case Study

What's the deal with Quora ads? Do they work? Learn the ins and outs of Quora ads with this helpful how-to guide, plus a look at our own results with the platform!

Breaking: Major Changes to How Google Spends Your Budget

Google has announced a major change to the way daily budgets work and can now spend TWICE your daily budget on any given day. Learn more about how your ad spend will be impacted.

How to Identify Your Most Valuable Keywords (& Find More)

When it comes to immediate optimization you’re caught between a rock and a hard place… Unless you shift your focus to Click-Through Rate. Learn how to identify high-value, high-CTR keywords in your AdWords account and beyond.