Planning your marketing for the whole year can feel daunting. But, creating a marketing calendar can help you organize your planning and stay on track to meet your goals.
Whether you’re feeling stuck when it comes to creative marketing ideas, you’re not sure where to start, or you just want a few tips to round out your marketing plan, we’ve got you covered.
In this article, we’ll be sharing:
We’ll also be sharing relevant hashtags to keep you #trending all year long.
Let’s get started.
🛑 But, first: Want to get this sent to your inbox along with trends and even more hashtags, ideas, and email subject lines? Download our 2025 marketing calendar guide here!
Looking for a specific month? Click below to skip to where you want to go!
In the first month of the year, make a splash with these ideas by adding them to your 2025 marketing calendar.
Here are some key January social media holidays and observances, plus January hashtags to incorporate into your 2025 social media marketing calendar.
Jan 8: Bubble Bath Day
Post a quote about self-care and encourage your audience to take some time for themselves. #BubbleBathDay
Jan 13: Make Your Dream Come True Day
Share how you or one of your team members has had a dream come true–whether it’s a goal you reached, a milestone you celebrated, or a trip to Disneyland! Ask your audience what dream they want to come true this year. #DreamComeTrue
Jan 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Celebrate this day by sharing your favorite Martin Luther King Jr. quote and asking your audience to share theirs. #MLKDay
Get a full list of 500+ social media holidays for every month of the year here!
Don’t skimp out on the shortest month of the year. There are still plenty of observances and opportunities for your business to celebrate as part of your 2025 marketing plan.
Add these special February holidays and observances to your social media calendar to show your audience some love.
Feb 9: Super Bowl Sunday
Share your and your team member’s Super Bowl Sunday plans and ask your audience to share theirs. The day after the Super Bowl, ask your audience about their favorite commercial. #SuperBowl2025
Feb 14: Valentine’s Day
Socialize your Valentine’s Day specials or promotions on your social sites. Target those last-minute shoppers with a special gift basket giveaway. #ValentinesDay
Feb 17: Random Act of Kindness Day
Hold a social media contest and randomly choose a few winners (who like your post) to win a prize, discount, or gift card. #RandomActsofKindnessDay
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This month marks the end of Q1, so take a look back at your marketing objectives and goals for 2025 to see what needs to be adjusted and what’s on track. Remember: This is just a template for your marketing calendar, so you can make tweaks as needed to make sure you’re reaching your growth goals.
Here are a few March social media holidays and observances you can incorporate into your social media planning for this month.
Mar 7: Employee Appreciation Day
Shout out your employees on your social media pages with a picture or video highlighting each one and sharing why they’re special. #EmployeeAppreciation
Mar 14: Pi Day
Share pictures of you and your team enjoying some pie to celebrate Pi Day. If you don’t offer pie, make sure to tag your local bakery in your post to support another local business! #PiDay
Mar 29: National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
Post your business’s backstory so your customers know who they’re supporting. Try including a photo from your early days as a business! #MomAndPopBusiness #ShopSmall
PS: Spring officially starts on March 20! Try these spring marketing and advertising ideas to give your business a boost. And don’t forget your St. Patrick’s Day social media ideas.
Start the second quarter off strong with these ideas to add to your April marketing calendar.
Start the month off right away on social media with April Fool’s Day and then end it strong by highlighting Earth Day on your social calendar.
April 1: April Fool’s Day
If your business is into pranks, post the aftermath on your social sites. Ask your audience the best prank they’ve pulled–or had pulled on them. #AprilFools
(We have more April Fool’s social media posts for you here!)
April 11: National Pet Day
Who doesn’t love an excuse to post pet pics? Share your business’s pets, repost your pet pictures from other social accounts, or ask your followers to send in pictures of their pets for people to admire. #NationalPetDay
April 22: Earth Day
Celebrate Earth Day by sharing ideas for sustainability, pictures of you and your team volunteering with a local clean-up, or how your business contributes to restoring our earth year-round. #EarthDay
Get more April social media holidays and ideas here!
Hopefully, it’s starting to warm up where you are, so it’s time to break out some new ideas to test as part of your May marketing calendar.
This month is packed with holidays and observances, so your social media calendar should be in great shape. Here are some ideas to get you started.
May 5: Cinco de Mayo
If you’re celebrating, share your pictures on social media. Restaurants can share Cinco de Mayo party recipes. #CincoDeMayo
May 11: Mother’s Day
Shout out to all the moms on social media—share a special message, and include a picture with you and your mom, or you and your kids if you’re a mom! #MothersDay
May 26: Memorial Day
Use quotes, images, and other posts to show your support for those who have lost their lives for our country. #MemorialDay
Get more Memorial Day social media posts and Memorial Day marketing ideas here.
Keep the momentum rolling in the last half of 2025 with these June marketing ideas, promotions, and social media post suggestions.
Don’t let your social media sites go dark this summer–keep your calendar packed with these holidays and observances.
Jun 5: World Environment Day
Make a fun event out of this social media holiday! Invite customers to help pick up trash in a nearby park or neighborhood. Be sure to post plenty of pictures later to show how your business gave back. #WorldEnvironmentDay
Jun 15: Father’s Day
Now, it’s time to highlight all the dads out there! Share a picture of you and your dad or you and your kids if you’re a dad and ask your audience to share how they’re celebrating. Or keep it casual and share your favorite dad joke. #FathersDay #DadJoke
Jun 20: Take Your Dog to Work Day
Post a “day in the life” about your dog. Have some fun by making it seem like your dog took over your business’s social media account. #TakeYourDogToWorkDay
Get more June social media ideas here.
PS: Summer starts June 20. Try these summer marketing ideas to make a splash this season!
Heat up your marketing calendar planning with these hot tips and creative marketing ideas for July.
July has more than just July 4th to highlight on your social sites. Use these ideas for your July social media calendar.
July 4: Independence Day
Share a simple Happy July 4th post with a nice graphic–or share pictures of how you’re celebrating and ask your audience to share theirs! #July4th
Get our full list of 4th of July marketing and social media posts here!
July 18: World Listening Day
Create a shareable playlist for your followers to listen to. Or ask for them to share their favorite songs of the summer and compile the answers into one playlist. #WorldListeningDay
July 21: National Junk Food Day
Use the Poll feature on Facebook and Instagram to ask your audience their favorite fast-food chain–or their favorite junk food item! #NationalJunkFoodDay
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As we get into the back half of the year, don’t let your marketing and promotions slip away. Use these August marketing ideas to capture those back-to-school searchers and end-of-summer customers.
Use these August social media ideas to keep your social calendar packed all month long.
Aug 9: National Book Lovers Day
Make and post a video where you ask your employees to share their favorite book or a book they’re reading. Ask your followers to share their favorites! #NationalBookLoversDay
Aug 15: National Relaxation Day
Share your favorite tips for relaxing, a relaxation playlist, or a local business–like a spa–that helps you unwind. Spas: this is a great day for you to share testimonials from customers who you’ve helped relax or just an overview of what you offer. #NationalRelaxationDay
Aug 17: National Nonprofit Day
Get out and volunteer at a local non-profit and share pictures to your social sites. If you can’t make it out to volunteer, share a round-up of your favorite nonprofits. #NationalNonprofitDay
Get more August social media holidays and post ideas.
September marks the end of Q3 and is a great time to look back at all you’ve accomplished so far in 2025. Use these marketing and promotion ideas to keep your September marketing calendar moving.
September has a lot of holidays and observances you can use to plan your social media calendar.
Sept 1: Labor Day
Wish your social media audience a Happy Labor Day with a nice visual or share a round-up of local Labor Day events. #LaborDay
Get more Labor Day social media posts here.
Sept 22: First Day of Fall
Share your favorite fall pastimes, any fall events you have coming up, or recipes for your most-loved fall treats. #FirstDayOfFall
Sept 29: National Coffee Day
Share a video of you and/or your employees going to visit your favorite local coffee shop. Make sure to tag them for some added goodwill! #NationalCoffeeDay
Get more September social media holidays and ideas here.
As we enter October, it’s time to get your holiday marketing going and make sure your 2025 marketing calendar is set for the rest of the year.
Check out these October social media holidays and observances to help you create awesome social media content this month.
Oct 3: World Smile Day
Post a picture of video that makes you smile. Dentists can share tips patients can use to keep their smiles sparkling. #WorldSmileDay
Oct 10: World Mental Health Day
Share social posts from reputable mental health resources to your social media pages to raise awareness for this cause. #WorldMentalHealthDay
Oct 31: Halloween
Run a Halloween throwback contest. Ask your followers to share pictures of their favorite Halloween costumes from when they were kids. Choose a winner for a special Halloween-themed prize at random! #Halloween
Get our full list of Halloween social media ideas here.
Only two months left to finish the year out strong! Use these seasonal and holiday marketing ideas to capture customers.
This is a busy time for social media. Keep your social media calendar on track with these November social media ideas!
Nov 11: Veterans Day
Promote any discounts you offer active military or veterans. Or share a simple post thanking veterans for their service. #VeteransDay
Nov 27: Thanksgiving
Share what you’re thankful for when it comes to your customers and your employees. Make sure to share any pictures of employee or team celebrations! #happythanksgiving
Get 50+ Thanksgiving social media ideas here!
Nov 29: Small Business Saturday
Promote your participation in Small Business Saturday on social! Share any sales, special deals, or events you’re holding, and spotlight other local businesses in your area. #SmallBizSat
Time to end the year on a high note with these ideas to add to your marketing calendar!
There are plenty of holiday festivities and cheer to fill your social media calendar this month! Here are a few ideas.
Get our full list of December social media holidays and ideas here!
Dec 14: Free Shipping Day
Customers love free shipping. Make sure to promote any free shipping deals or promotions you have! #FreeShippingDay
Dec 21: First Day of Winter
Highlight any seasonal products or services you’re offering on social media. And don’t forget to shout out any deals or promotions you’re running for these products or services! #FirstDayOfWinter
Dec 31: New Year’s Eve
Share your New Year’s resolutions with your social media audience and ask them to share theirs! #NYE2025
And, here are even more holiday social post ideas:
Whew! Now you’re all set with ideas and inspiration to build out your 2025 marketing calendar. Make sure to get our free guide for even more tips, observances, and holidays to help you plan your marketing campaigns, promotions, and sales.
Cheers to a very happy and prosperous 2025!