This is the first post in a series on creating ads within the Google AdWords interface. The focus of this post will be creating text-ads within AdWords.
Creating a new text ad is pretty straightforward. From within the Ads tab, click “Text ad” in the “New ad’ dropdown menu:
Here you’ll be able to insert the text of your new ad. Once you’ve created an ad within the Ads tab, you can easily customize the text and preview your ad:
The components of the ad are well-known to most AdWords advertisers:
The mechanics of creating a single ad are actually very simple, as you can see. Each ad is associated with an Ad Group and a list of keywords, in the case of the search network, and a list of keywords and networks, in the case of display campaigns.
While creating a text ad is pretty simple, creating high-performance text ads is significantly more challenging. You’ll need to include keywords, write a persuasive message that entices the searcher to click, and include a call to action, telling them both why they should click and what they should do once they get to your site – all within a very small ad text space. Luckily, there are several great resources out there for best practices in creating high-performing text ads:
Beyond the fundamentals of creating great AdWords text ads, you can also learn more about whether to rotate or optimize your ads, how to make the most out of using symbols in PPC ads, or how to qualify your PPC traffic with ad copy.
Additionally, while creating and editing a single to a few ad text ads is simple, making mass edits and managing multiple text ads is more complex. Often the best way to execute this is to go outside of the AdWords interface to leverage AdWords Editor and Excel. You can learn more about editing text ads with AdWords Editor and can also import and export your ad copy via AdWords Editor so that you can make mass edits in Excel.
You can also leverage Excel for ad performance analysis, which is a topic we’ll cover in the last installment in this series.
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